The Federal Government’s 2023/24 Volunteer Grant Opportunity is available for community organisations from November.
Organisations wishing to be eligible were required to submit an expression of interest through their Federal MP before 28 September and where if deemed eligible forwarded on by that MP.
Each electorate was offered up to $66,225 worth of grants, marking a significant contribution from the Government to supporting volunteers.
If deemed eligible, organisations will be able to claim between $1000 to $5000 each and the funding amount will have been endorsed by their MP at the time of their expression of interest.
Organisations who are eligible will have until November 24 2023 to fulfil their application. Those who are successful will be notified in April 2024 and will be able to begin the grant program in May 2024.
The funds are intended to be used for:
- The purchase eligible small equipment items for use by volunteers
- To contribute to volunteers’ fuel costs, during the course of their volunteer work
- Contribute to transport costs for volunteers with disability who are unable to drive.
- Assist with the cost of training courses for volunteers.
- Undertake background screening checks for volunteers.
- Conduct activities to promote awareness of, and increase participation in, volunteering opportunities.
- Adapt practises to support volunteers’ safety.
Organisations given the grant will have until June 30 2025 to spend the entirety of the grant on the above listed uses.
The grants are intended to support vulnerable communities helping them to engage in a number of community activities.
By focusing on supporting volunteers the Government is hoping to not only support pre-existing programs but to raise awareness of volunteering in the hope of boosting the sector in the coming years.
This program is a great way that the Government is hoping to boost community activities. Very often funding is a key barrier to entry for volunteers and the programs they support. Hence, by committing to directly helping them the Government will be also boosting the chances of those most vulnerable in the community to access programs and maintain engagement in their communities.